Heuristic Search

Heuristic search is similar to the Classic Search, with the main difference being that we don't visit the results. The insights are derived directly from the search results rather than from the content of the pages.

Any column containing the word "Heuristic" (or similar) in its Column Instructions will be used processed with the Heuristic Search.

AgentTrigger Keyword(s)
@HeuristicSearchHeuristic, heuristic, heuristically, etc...


Parameters that can be influenced through the Column Instructions:

Search StrategyThe strategy to use for the search-
QueryThe query to search for-
Time PeriodTime period to searchAll Time
Page SizeNumber of results to search for10
Language and Location (TBD)--
Autocorrection (TBD)Allow google to autocorrect the queryFalse

Search Strategy

LinkedIn Job Position example

Job Position (Heuristic, search the name of the person (exact match) and the company name in linkedin.com to find their job position at the company, or N/A if no good result is found)

The search strategy followed will be:

  1. Perform WEB_SEARCH following the Column Instructions
  2. Evaluate each result for matches.
  3. If no matches are found, update column value to N/A.
  4. If a match is found, update column value to the position found on the match snippet.

The strategy can be overridden by the Column Instructions , meaning that we can control not only what search is performed, but also what information to derive from the result or results.

Common search strategies:


The exact query to be searched can be specified in the Column Instructions, ideally between backticks ` as a code block to not be confused with".

Marketplace Product Search

tokopedia.com (Heuristic searching 100 results for `site:tokopedia.com -inurl:/find/ "{TITLE}"`, Number of matches for product listings for the company in the results / Total Results, like /^\d+\/\d+$/ ex: 0/0, 12/100, 80/99, 0/42)
tokopedia.com Links (The full list of links that matched in the heuristic search, separated by `\n`. Or N/A if no links matched or there were no results.)
Learn more about Google Dorks

Time Period

The following time periods are supported: last year (qdr:y), last month (qdr:m), last week (qdr:w), and last day (qdr:d).

Recent News Example

Recent Headlines (Heuristic, search `news about {TITLE}` in the last 30 days, and join all the headlines for the same company separated by new lines. N/A if no matching news found)

Page Size

Two page sizes are allowed: 10 (default, no need to specify it) and 100 (maximum).

When multiple columns reference the same search, a single search is performed and the analysis of the columns is performed at the same time.

Content Landscape Example

Competitors in Search (Heuristic, search the company name, and count the number of results from potential competitors in the first 100 search results)
Own content in Search (Heuristic, search the company name, and count the number of results from the company's own content in the first 100 search results)
Total Search Results (Heuristic, search the company name, and count the total number of search results)

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